How do I track my progress?

The Learning Journey is the visualization of your progress through each fluency level as you learn a language. You can check your Learning Journey in your Homeroom to see where you are improving and where you may need some more practice.

👉 Click here to learn how to access your Learning Journey!

📈 Want to know if you are ready to progress to the next level?

You can use the Immerse placement tool at any time. Click here for directions on how to find and use the placement tool.

Don't worry, we will also send you reminders to use this placement tool as you make progress so that you always know when it is time to level up!

Other Progress Metrics

You can also access further data points regarding your progress in Immerse from the WebApp under the My Journey page. These special trackers total all your lifetime activities for any given language. Notice that the one below is from a user learning Spanish at the Advanced Level.

  • Practice Tasks Completed - how many total (across the levels) AI Avatar conversations have awarded you points for checking off each task on the conversation list
  • Days Learning - how long you've had your Immerse account for
  • Stamps Earned - how many stamps you've earned from filling in every point for a language function at a certain level
  • Lessons Attended - how many unique lessons you have earned points from towards your learning journey. Each lesson can only give you points once even if attended multiple times. You must stay in a lesson at least 10 consecutive minutes to earn points.
  • Events Attended - how many unique events you have earned points from towards your learning journey. Each event can only give you points once even if attended multiple times. You must stay in a event at least 10 consecutive minutes to earn points.
  • Points Earned - all points earned across all levels of the language
  • Fluency Progress Bar - shows the percentage of points earned towards a level
  • Points Needed - the number of points earned out of the total number of points eligible to earn at a given level

💥Important Note💥

All data listed in the My Journey Page of the WebApp is calculated from the time that we introduced the points system: October 9th, 2023. (except for "Days Learning" - which is linked to your account creation date)

  • If you joined Immerse after we introduced the points system, your metrics reflect your lifetime activities.
  • However, for a veteran member, only activities that were completed after the points system was introduced are counted towards these metrics.
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