Joining a class in VR

If you have signed up for a class, you will need to join that class when it starts. Follow these instructions for joining a class in VR on your Meta Quest VR headset.

  1. Put on your VR headset.
  2. Open the Immerse app before your lesson time.
  3. Navigate to your Homeroom and select the Classes tab from the menu on the left.

Just Before Class Time...

  • If your class is starting soon, there will be a countdown showing how many minutes you have before class.
  • The Join Class button will be available to press within 5 minutes of the class starting.
  1. At the time of your class, press the Join Now button.

  1. Wait for the Guide to teleport you to the class. 

Late Policy

Guides WILL NOT admit anyone who is late more than 10 minutes so that the other members in attendance do not have their learning interrupted or get distracted by latecomers.

If you ever encounter technical issues with joining or being admitted to class, please reach out to

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