Unlimited Subscription
Immerse Membership provides unlimited access to the Immerse platform. Go from complete beginner to confident speaker of a new language with an Immerse Membership. Participate in all the live and on-demand immersive learning opportunities you need to achieve your personal fluency goals twice as fast.
✨ 2 Week Free Trial
Each subscription includes a 2 week free trial with unlimited access. You credit card information will be stored on subscription, and you will be charged after the 2 weeks if you do not cancel. CLICK HERE to begin your free trial!
Your Immerse Membership includes unlimited access to:
Live Group Lessons - organized by language function (units) and learning outcome (objectives)
Live Conversation Events - longer sessions with less instruction. Attendees need to work together to accomplish a goal or discuss certain topics in detail.
Study Space Activities - that all link back to a lesson!
Fill-in-the-Blank Practice
Pronunciation Practice
Guided or Scripted Conversations
Public Social Spaces - on a Rotating Schedule for variety with dedicated hours for advanced and novice learners to chat with users at their same level
Private Practice Scenes - like a big public park and all-inclusive resort!
Language Exchange Courtyard - where members from ALL language programs can get together and play vocabulary games like pictionary, whack-a-word, and more!
Community Events - Organized and hosted by Staff or SuperUsers
Access to our exclusive Community Hub on Facebook - available only to users with active subscriptions