When is it time to move to the next language level?

Gaining fluency is so exciting!

Taking the placement test in the beginning is the best way to get started. But when is the right time to move to the next language fluency level in Immerse?

Assessing Your Language Level

You can take the language level assessment tool at any time from the You tab of your Homeroom.

  1. Log in to your Immerse Homeroom.
  2. Click the You tab in the menu on the left.
  3. Click the Progress button on the right.
  4. Click the Assessment tile.
  5. Complete the Assessment

🔔 Assessment Reminder

Don't worry, we will also send you automatic reminders to take this assessment as you make progress so that you always know when it is time to level up!

Keep in mind:

  • You can always take classes at any level. You might want to take a class at a lower fluency level for review. Or you might want to take a class at a higher fluency level for a challenge!
  • You will need to manually change your language level to access classes at that level.
  • You will only be able to see the schedule for and your booked sessions in each language while your settings are configured to that level/language. For now, you will have to switch back and forth to see and access classes from different languages or levels.
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