How to use the AI practice feature

Video Tour

CLICK HERE to watch a brief tour of using the AI practice feature.

How to Find an AI Practice Avatar

Go to your Homeroom to begin.

  1. Click the Practice tab on the menu on the left.
  2. Select a scene from the list on the right.
  3. Choose the Public or Private in the center, and click the Join Now button.
  4. Walk up to any AI character and initiate a conversation.

Others Can Participate

Once you've clicked on the icon, you are in a conversation with an AI avatar. If you are sharing the scene with other members, they can hear and see your discussion. However, only one member can interact with the AI avatar at a time.

How to Begin a Conversation With an AI Practice Avatar

Follow the instructions on the screen.

  1. Read the Tasks in the box to the left of the dialogue box.
  2. Click the microphone icon and begin speaking. Try to complete the speaking tasks.
  3. Click the "Hint" button if you get stuck.
  4. Reset the conversation when the dialogue box gets full.
  5. Leave the conversation with the AI practice avatar when you are finished.

NOTE: You can speak to the AI practice avatar in any language, and the dialogue box will automatically translate your words.

Using the Text Translate Tool in an AI Practice Conversation

Highlight and select any word or sentence in your target language. A popup will show you a translation, similar words, and example sentences. This will help you learn new words and how to use them.

  1. Click the first button to toggle the translation of the phrase or word.
  2. Click the "voice" icon to hear the AI avatar say the phrase or word.

Add to Notes

You can add any word or phrase to your saved notes to access later or review in your Homeroom.

Have fun exploring!

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