How to change your Desktop microphone input


Immerse recommends that every Desktop Member use a headset or earbuds with a mic to ensure that an echo does not occur in the application.

To launch the app from your browser, go to the WebApp. (Note: Google Chrome is required.)

Browser Mic Access

The first time you open the Immerse browser application, you will be asked for browser mic access. Please be sure to click the Allow button.

You can change mic access at any time by clicking the Mic or Camera button in the Chrome/Web search bar.

Configuring Your Microphone in Immerse

When you are signed in to Immerse, the web app should automatically use the default microphone selected in your system settings.

Follow the steps below to check what microphone input is selected in Immerse:

  1. Log into the web app and click the You tab in the menu on the left.
  2. Click the Voice button in the Settings menu on the right.

  1. Choose the NVIDIA Virtual Audio input. This will ensure the audio is coming through the web browser successfully. (Note: the Microphone icon slider at the top will move left and right when you speak if an input signal is successfully detected.)

If you still do not have audio, you may need to check that the browser window has access to the mic input.

Check Google Chrome Settings for Your Microphone

NVIDIA Mic Check

First, check that the NVIDIA mic access is turned on.

To check the NVIDIA Mic, login to the web app and:

  • Press Cmd+G if you are on a Mac
  • Press Ctrl+G if you are on Windows

Ensure that the Mic toggle is ON

You may need to configure your microphone settings in Google Chrome.

To check your Chrome Mic Settings:

  1. Open a new tab in Google Chrome.
  2. At the top right, click More > Settings.
  3. Click Privacy and Security > Site Settings > Microphone.
  4. Select your preferred option as the default setting.

After changing your mic input, make sure to close out your previous NVIDIA tab, and launch the app again from the home page. Follow the same steps above until you find a mic input that allows you to be heard and the green slider is moving when you speak.

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